Waddington Airshow

I had the absolute pleasure of joining Breitling UK and my local Breitling AD Andrew Michaels in their hospitality suite.

Even though I live only 6 miles from from Waddington I had never been to the show before (only heard it going on). Sam of Andrew Micheals promised me I would be converted by the end of the day and he was right. It was an unbelievable specatacle through out. The Flying Displays were awe inspiring.

Many many thanks to Andrew Michaels for the invite for me and my two friends.

If you ever get a chance to visit one of these airshows then I would highly recommend enjoying it in the company of Breitling. Air conditioned tent, free drinks, a nice place to sit down, a Breitling technician to check and regulate your watch and experienced staff to show you more Breitlings than you could ever wish to see in one place. How could you ask for any more?

Here are a few pictures of the hospitality suite and the highlights of the flying displays (Apologies in advance for the amateur photos).


The Turkish display team were brilliant and gave the home grown Red Arrows and lot to follow:


The Vulcan is close to the hearts of everyone at Waddington:


The RAF Parachute Display team:


The Red Arrows were simply awe inspiring. A shame that one of the pilots was missing through illness:


However, the highlight of the day for me was the almost balletic display by the Hawk as it hovered just 100 metres off the ground slowly spinning on the spot, tipping it’s nose down and performing an aeronautical dressage. The noise was incredible:

Andrew Michaels offer free Hospitality tickets to all  customers who buy a Breitling timepiece. The three Airshows available to attend with their Hospitality are Waddington, Fairford and Farnborough. I can’t recommend any of these events enough. 

All words and pictures by Richard Atkins (unless otherwise stated). Please ask if you wish to reproduce any of the material in this article.

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